There are many nursing courses out there for individuals who want to have a career in health care industry. You can enroll in accredited local nursing schools or join online nursing programs so as to learn the fundamental principles and skills essential for this profession. However, considering that there are a variety of courses to choose from, you should learn what these courses are and know which one is right for you.

While the courses can vary on the school that you choose, these are still standardized to offer necessary information to students who want to take up nursing. This is the reason why you need to get to know the different programs since each of these courses has its own particular training procedure and also specialization. Below are information of some of the most common courses so that you can help you choose the program you want to get into.

Associate in Practical Nursing

This is a course specifically intended for students who want to land a job immediately after graduation. A graduate of this course usually have a position as an assistant to a registered nurse (RN) or a physician. Students are taught basic skills and principles for twelve to eighteen months and they are also educated to do some clerical work. In addition, they are expected to take the National Council Licensure Examination-Practical Nursing (NCLEX-PN) to become a licensed practical nurse. And if they want to pursue further education, they can take up Bachelor of Science in Nursing while working to enable them to be a registered nurse.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

This is one of the most common and well-known nursing courses that students enroll in if they want to be a nurse. When you complete this course, you have to take the NCLEX-RN to be licensed to work as a registered nurse. This is a four-year course which includes lectures on anatomy, physiology, biology and other nursing skills. Aside from the lecture, they're also given practical classes to ready them for real-life scenarios when they have a job as a registered nurse.

Masters of Science in Nursing

For those who want more career opportunities and advancement, they can further their education by getting a master’s degree in nursing. This degree helps a registered nurse to get into various specialization fields in the health industry. Some of these include courses in public health, business administration and hospital administration. It takes one and a half to two years to finish this course. Acquiring a master’s degree can land you a supervisory position.

These are basic information of the nursing courses offered in schools today. A degree in nursing will surely aid you in your future career.